ANSWERS to Level 1 in VIDEO GAME JUMBLE! Puzzle Unscrambled


We decided to post this a little earlier than was initially planned.  Here are the unscrambled video games in the order in which they were played.  While there are only 10 video games in the mix, some sounds were played more than once, and some games had more than one sound played.


How’d you do?  Did you get all 10?

Answers to VIDEO GAME JUMBLE videos



Answers to the VIDEO GAME JUMBLE videos will be posted after every 1,000 views or every two weeks (whichever comes first).  Typically on Answers days, a new video will be posted with new puzzles, trivia, jokes, games, etc.  We also hope to have prize giveaways in accordance with the popularity of the site.  Stay tuned for more details!

VIDEO GAME JUMBLE! Unscramble Puzzle of Popular Video Games

<p>——- DESCRIPTION ———————

VG JUMBLR GAME is a game where you get a puzzle of popular video games. It is up to you to unscramble the puzzle and identify all games in the puzzle.

——- RULES ——————-

+10 Points for every CORRECT answer

+0 Points for every WRONG answer

+5 Points for every BONUS achieved

+15 Points for every SUPER BONUS achieved (this is in addition to the points added by the Bonuses, so every SUPER BONUS achieved yields a total of +30 Points!

——- BONUS POINTS! ———-

Bonus ONE: Identify the exact order of the games to collect a bonus.

Bonus TWO: Identify specific details of the game element (ie: that’s a Super Star (power up) from Super Mario Bros.) for bonus points!

Bonus THREE: Get all answers correct only listening to the audio once!

SUPER BONUS: Collect all 3 Bonuses to get a SUPER BONUS!


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