VIDEO GAME JUMBLE! Unscramble Puzzle of Popular Video Games

<p>——- DESCRIPTION ———————

VG JUMBLR GAME is a game where you get a puzzle of popular video games. It is up to you to unscramble the puzzle and identify all games in the puzzle.

——- RULES ——————-

+10 Points for every CORRECT answer

+0 Points for every WRONG answer

+5 Points for every BONUS achieved

+15 Points for every SUPER BONUS achieved (this is in addition to the points added by the Bonuses, so every SUPER BONUS achieved yields a total of +30 Points!

——- BONUS POINTS! ———-

Bonus ONE: Identify the exact order of the games to collect a bonus.

Bonus TWO: Identify specific details of the game element (ie: that’s a Super Star (power up) from Super Mario Bros.) for bonus points!

Bonus THREE: Get all answers correct only listening to the audio once!

SUPER BONUS: Collect all 3 Bonuses to get a SUPER BONUS!


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